Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

Tips Flash


7 Cara efektif dalam berkomunikasi

1.      Hindari kesan memaksa

Ketika kita berkomunikasi hindari kalimat : "Kamu harus……" baiknya diganti dengan "Sebaiknya kamu……." atau "Maukah kamu......"

2.      Fokus kepada solusi bukan masalah

Ketika berkomunikasi fokuskan kepada hal yang menjadi solusi bukan masalah. Contoh : Ketika makanan di rumah habis, tidaklah efektif jika kita berkata "Aduh Lapar banget......" lebih baik kita berkata "Yuuk, beli makanan di luar......"

3.      Ubah "kata tidak bisa " menjadi "bisa"

Ketika kita diminta untuk mengadakan pertemuan, lebih baik anda mengatakan "Kita bisa mengadakan pertemuannya minggu depan" daripada berkata "Kita tidak bisa ketemuan sampai minggu depan" walaupun dua kalimat dengan arti yang sama tapi estetikanya berbeda.

4.      Ambil tanggung jawab dan jangan menyalahkan

Hindari kalimat " Ini bukan salahku" lebih baik ganti dengan kalimat " Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk memperbaikinya"

5.      Katakan apa yang anda inginkan bukan yang tidak anda inginkan

Jika anda tidak ingin seseorang menyetir ngebut, lebih baik berkata "Tolong bawa mobilnya hati-hati" daripada anda berkata "Jangan bawa mobilnya terlalu kencang"

6.      Fokus pada masa depan bukan masa lalu

Jika ada kesalahan teman anda daripada anda berkata " Saya sudah bilang sebelumnya....." lebih baik diganti dengan " Mulai sekarang, kita........."

7.      Bagikan informasi bukan argumen

Hindari kalimat, "Tidak, kamu salah......" lebih baik diganti dengan "Saya ingin sepeti ini......."

Selamat mencoba dan rsakan nikmatnya berkomunikasi...

IBSC TV Presenter

(disadur dari berbagai sumber)



IBSC TV Presenter

Jln. Pengadegan Timur Raya no 1 Jakarta 12770


T 021 79191059    F 021 79190878


7 Effective Methods in Communication


  1. Avoid the impression coerce

When we communicated avoided the sentence: "you must……" good him was replaced with "Would you……."

Or "May you......"

  1. The focus to the solution not complication

When communicating focussed to the matter that became the solution not the problem.

The example: When food in the house was finished, not effective if we said "Ow, really Hungry......"

It would be better if we said "Let's, bought food outside......"

  1. The difference "said" could not become "can"

When we were asked to hold the meeting, better you said "we could hold his meeting next week" than said "we could not claped eyes on up until next week" although two sentences with the same meaning but his aesthetics was different.

  1. Take responsibility and don't blaming

avoided "this" sentence " it is not my fault" better the substitute with the sentence "What that could be done by me to repair them"


  1. Say what was wanted by you not that not you want

If you did not want someone drove Fast, better said "please brought his car was careful" than you said "should not bring his car was too fast"

  1. The focus in the future not really than

If having your friend's mistake than you said "I has said beforehand....."

It would be better if was replaced with "From Now On, we........."

  1. Distribute information not the argument avoided the sentence, "Not, you were wrong......"

It would be better if was replaced with "me want to this case......."

Congratulations tried and Fill his comfort communicated...

IBSC TV Presenter

(was adapted from various sources)



IBSC TV Presenter

Jln. Pengadegan East Great no 1 Jakarta of 12770


T 021 79191059 F 021 79190878




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