Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Let's Learn about Concord in English



Concord adalah persesuaian antara subyek dalam suatu kalimat dengan kata kerjanya (subject-verb agreement) dalam suatu kalimat. Misalnya, tenses suatu kalimat adalah present perfect. Bila subyeknya he/she/it, maka auxiliary yang dipakai adalah has. Bila subyeknya we/you/they, maka auxiliary yang dipakai adalah have. 

1.     Subyek dengan awalan every, each of, either/either of…, neither/neither of … dianggap tunggal.


       Every man and woman wants to have true love.

       Each of the students does the assignment individually.

       Either of us has to go there.

       Neither of them deserves to get punishment.

2.     Subyek singular tetap diikuti dengan verb/auxiliary singular apabila subyek tersebut diikuti oleh ungkapan yang bermakna jamak semisal, along with, together with, accompanied by, etc.


       The teacher along with the students does an experiment in the lab.

       The coach together with all football players is entering the stadium.

3.     Subyek anybody, anyone, anything. someone, somebody, something, no one, nobody, dan nothing diikuti oleh verb singular.


       Something smells bad in the basket.

       Nobody wants to be lonely.

4.     Nama-nama cabang ilmu dianggap singular


       Mathematics is a difficult subject.

       Linguistics is quite interesting.

5.     Subyek uncountable noun dianggap singular


       Sugar makes tea sweet.

       The information is reported by the newsreader.

6.     Subyek yang menggunakan either…or…..,
neither…..nor…… Verb yang digunakan tergantung pada bentuk subyek setelah or atau nor. Begitupula bila either atau neither berdiri sendiri.


       Either Indra or his brother spends holiday in Bali.

       Neither my mother nor my father gives me some extra money.

       Either the teacher or the students get hurt in the accident.

       Neither Mrs. Irman nor her children participate in ketua RT election.

       Fruit or vegetables are good for our health.

7.     Subyek yang menggunakan A number diikuti oleh verb jamak, sedangkan The number diikuti oleh verb tunggal.


       A number of labors go to the street to demonstrate on the Labor day.

       The number of unemployment is getting higher recently.

8.     Subyek yang menyatakan jumlah, jarak, volume, berat, uang, prosentase, dan waktu dianggap tunggal.


       60 minutes is one hour.

       Ten days is the time we need for the experiment.

9.     Subyek gerund dianggap tunggal


       Hiking is my hobby.

       Consuming vitamin keeps your body healthy.

10.  Subyek yang berupa frase panjang, yang menentukan jenis verb adalah kata sebelum preposisi.


       The fast-growing development of Asian country is surprising.

       Different interpretations on same events by various newspapers make the readers confused.



Choose the correct answer!

1.     Every citizen of Indonesia (has/have) the right to vote in the general election.

2.     A number of fast-food restaurants (has/have) become popular because many working people (want/wants) to eat quickly and cheaply.

3.     Neither Asti nor her friends (is/are) going to go to the theater.

4.     The number of unemployment (are/is) decreasing.

5.     Each of participants (take/takes) the opportunity to speak their mind.

6.     Either of the policemen (admit/admits) the mistake.

7.     The New York Times (is/are) a daily newspaper.

8.     Nothing (has/have) been taken as a serious step to solve the environmental problem.

FROM : Melina Kurniawan (Free-English-Course@yahoogroups.com)




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