Selasa, 24 Juni 2008

PhD scholarships [info]

PhD scholarships
Nanophotonics for Terabit Communications (NATEC)

A new research centre focusing on nanophotonics for terabit
communications is being established at the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU). The centre is based on donations from a private
foundation, VILLUM KANN RASNMUSSEN FONDEN. The NATEC centre will, in
particular, perform research on light-matter interaction in
semiconductor quantum dots and photonic crystal structures and
explore the use of such nanostructured materials for realizing
photonic chips operating in the terabit regime. The centre is a
strongly focused effort involving nanofabrication, experimental
characterisation based on nanoscopy and ultrafast lasers, fundamental
theory including topology optimization, and systems experiments and
will provide ample opportunities for cross-fertilization between
these areas.

The NATEC Centre is headed by Professor Jesper Mørk (
from Department of Photonics Engineering, DTU, and involves the
collaboration with 4 other institutes at DTU: Department of Micro-
and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for
Electron Nanoscopy and Danchip.

At the moment we have openings within the following areas of

Growth and characterisation of semiconductor quantum dots and
fabrication of photonic crystal based devices (Kresten Yvind;

Characterisation of pulse propagation in photonic crystal structures
and ultrafast dynamics in quantum dots (Mike van der Poel;

Theory and modelling of light-matter interaction in photonic crystal
structures with quantum dots (Niels Asger Mortensen;

Topology optimization of nanophotonic structures incorporating
effects of nonlinearities and fabrication uncertainties (Ole Sigmund;

Experimental and theoretical investigations of terabit systems
emphasizing noise limitations and information capacity (Palle

We are looking for candidates with a strong track record and with a
good experimental, theoretical and/or computational background in
photonics, electromagnetics or materials engineering and physics. The
annual salary of PhD students starts at approximately 277,000 DKK
(36,900 EUR) + pension.

For further information please contact Jesper Mørk or the persons
mentioned above, or see the full job announcement at the homepage of
DTU. Please send your application as a single pdf file, including CV,
list of publications, certificates of exams and grades, as well as a
list of references to:

Director Anders Bjarklev
Department of Photonics Engineering
Ørsteds Plads, Building 343
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Deadline for application: July 14, 2008 at 12.00 noon.


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