Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

[INFO] Postdoc position bioinformatics for toxicometabolomics NTC


At RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety, research cluster Toxicology & Effect Monitoring.


job opening number:


Job description

You will be working at

RIKILT in the field of bioinformatics for metabolomics within the Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (

The most important tasks will be the establishment of a pipeline and database for the available metabolomics data from LC-MS, GC(GC)MS and NMR. You will implement preprocessing strategies (p.e. , quality control, data mining and statistics. You will interact with NTC participants in metabolome data analysis of toxicological experiments. You will also make interactions possible with text-mining and pathway programs. A tight collaboration will be set up with the chair of Bioinformatics at WUR (Prof. dr.

Jack Leunissen) (

as well as the other bioinformatics participants within NTC. Within the Cluster Toxicology & Effect monitoring at RIKILT you will be co-responsible for the acquisition, implementation and management of food safety projects in this field.


What we ask

A Ph.D. with solid

experience in the area of informatics or bioinformatics, programming and databasing, preferably with experience in analytical chemistry and biochemistry.

You are a real team player, innovator and stimulator. You are driven, result-oriented and you have excellent communication and writing skills.


What we offer

A stimulating position

in pleasant and high-level work surroundings. We offer a fulltime position for three years with possibilities for a two-year extension. Salary ranging is from

2812–4371 Euro per month depending upon experience.



For further

information on this position please contact Dr. Arjen Lommen (, tel.: +31-317-480264 and/or Dr. Ad Peijnenburg (, tel.: +31-317-480284. For Further information:



Please submit your

application letter with CV before the 2nd of July 2008 by e-mail to:







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