Rabu, 09 Juli 2008


Nanyang Fellows Scholarship

Who is eligible?

This scholarship is open to international applicants seeking to pursue
a full-time Nanyang Fellows MBA programme at NTU.
Eligibility criteria

* Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents are not eligible
to apply
* At least 8 years of post-graduation experience including 5 years
of managerial experience
* Possess excellent undergraduate degrees
* Have demonstrated leadership qualities and potential in his/her
organisation and/or community service
* A good score in TOEFL or IELTS is required for applicants from
non-English speaking university
* Applicants must be nominated by the head of
company/organisation/ministry in which the applicant is serving
* You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment
or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or
top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award


There is no bond attached to the scholarship.

Each scholarship is tenable for a period of 1 year only.

Each scholarship shall cover the following:

* Full or partial tuition fees in NTU and MIT and the overseas
business study mission
* A monthly stipend of S$1200 and lodging with return airfare to
MIT may also be awarded to outstanding candidates from the civil service

Application procedure

Application is submitted online at www.nfp.ntu.edu.sg
For enquires, please contact fellows@ntu.edu.sg


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