Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

[beasiswa] [INFO]PhD Studentship in Applications of MRI to Skin, University of Surrey


UK. A PhD studentship is available within the Soft Condensed Matter
physics group, Department of Physics. The studenthip is to work on the
development of MRI for applications to human skin. The project will be
supervised by Prof Peter McDonald.

Applicants should have a 1st class / upper second degree or an MSc in
the Physical Sciences and an aptitude for experimental work.

Surrey has developed and houses a unique range of GARField magnetic
resonance imaging systems. The objective is to characterise the
structure and barrier properties of skin by combining GARField and
high field MR microscopy instrumentation and a variety of advanced
magnetic resonance techniques including restricted diffusometry and
double quantum filtering. Specific aims include assessment of cellular
spatial ordering and the identification and measurement of the passage
of small molecules through and between cells. The work will be carried
out both in-vitro and possibly in-vivo.

A major multinational company will provide additional support to the
student for this project. Full description of the project can be read

To apply, send your application together with a brief outline of the
your proposed approach to your PhD to: Mrs C. Soares-Smith
(C.Soares-Smith@surrey.ac.uk) by Thursday, 21st August 2008. Please
include the position reference number:6693


[beasiswa] [info] PhD Position for female Student at University of Technology Graz

PhD Position for female Student [suitable master-degree in
mathematics; highly qualified candidates interested in one of the
following areas are encouraged to apply: Applied Analysis and
Scientific Computing, Financial Mathematics, Number Theory] /
Karl-Franzens-University Graz & University of Technology Graz /
deadline September 15


PhD position for female student
Within the cooperation project NAWI-Graz (connecting
Karl-Franzens-University Graz and University of Technology Graz) there
is a open position for a female PhD-Student in Mathematics. Highly
qualified candidates interested in one of the following areas are
encouraged to apply:
Applied Analysis and Scientific Computing, Financial Mathematics, Number Theory
Candidates must have a suitable master-degree in mathematics.
Applications have to be sent by e-mail to: tichy@tugraz.at (Prof. Dr. Robert Tichy)
Deadline: September 15, 2008


[beasiswa] [INFO] Open position for a PhD student at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH

*Open position for a PhD student (IMK-IFU01-08)*


Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH is one of the largest natural science and engineering research institution in Europe. Our Atmospheric Environmental Research Division (IMK-IFU) of the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research has a long tradition in atmospheric environmental research, with its main emphasis on studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the interactions between atmosphere and biosphere, air quality, regional climate, and hydrology. Studies in these research fields are characterised by an interdisciplinary and integrated approach involving field measurements, process studies and numerical modelling. Results obtained in these research fields are used for defining reliable and efficient mitigation and adaptation strategies.


For numerical modelling tasks within the project "Verification of the turbulence parameterization and the description of the vertical structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in numerical simulation models for wind analysis and forecasts (VERITAS)" we offer a position for a *PhD student*


for a three year term as soon as possible. We seek a person who is interested in numerical simulation strategies in atmospheric environmental research and who has a master (Diplom) degree preferably in meteorology, flow engineering, mathematics or physics. Experience in numerical modelling would be an advantage but is not required. The work will comprise running mesoscale numerical models and the evaluation of offshore turbulence data.


The remuneration will be in accordance to the German public service regulations (TVöD 13/2).


The position is open immediately. Please send as soon as possible (but not later than *September 30, 2008*) applications with the usual documents to the address below (preferably by e-mail), from where you can get also additional information.


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan Emeis

Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research

- Atmospheric Environmental Research –

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH

Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19

82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen









[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD Research Fellow in Information Science

PhD Research Fellow in Information Science
At the Department of Media Studies and Information Science, University of
Bergen, there is a vacant position as PhD Research Fellow within the field
of Information Science for four years. The position will be affiliated with
the project «Requirements for Secure Software» (ReqSec) which is financed by
the Norwegian Research Council. It is a cooperation between the Department
of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen and the
Department of Computer and Information Science at the Norwegian University
of Science and Technology in Trondheim. 25 % of the position will be
allocated to mandatory work at The Department of Media Studies and
Information Science.

ReqSec will develop methods and tools for eliciting requirements for secure
information systems in cooperation between users and developers. The purpose
is to open security work for people with domain and systems development
competence in addition to security experts. The methods and tools will be
evaluated analytically and empirically in cooperation with industrial

Applicants must have a Master degree in Information Science or corresponding

Candidates are advised to contact Professor Andreas L. Opdahl before
devising their PhD-projects, phone: +47 55584140, email:

more info: Here<http://scholarship-source.blogspot.com/2008/08/phd-research-fellow-in-information.html>
